Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For me, adventure race nutrition means packing a buffet of junk. Some Gus, some bars, some gummy things. Some Snickers, lots of peanut M&Ms, a pizza. Some coffee, some water, some Gatorade.

The more variety I pack, the more likely I am to actually eat. The Gus and bars make me want to vomit after a while but the calories still need to get in my belly.

Here's the beginnings of what I am packing for this weekend. The pizza (not purchased yet) and string cheese and french fries (in the fridge and freezer) haven't been packed yet.

I try to take in about 300-400 calories an hour while on bike and on foot, a bit less on the paddle (although it is easier to eat while sitting in a boat). Over the course of 26 hours that amounts to about 7,800 calories. Good times!
Yes, that is beef jerky. I eat it while in the boat. Yes, it is made out of meat.


Abby said...

Seriously, I had this exact same post planned for tomorrow... Great minds?

Running Ricig said...

You can have the jerky, but I'll send you my address so you can ship the rest to me ;)

joanna said...

i can't believe you eat beef jerky! i don't know if i will ever be able to look at you the same again.
also, GOOD LUCK this weekend!

Laurie said...

Kari, I will send you the leftovers. Don't worry, there will be plenty.
Jo, I hope you babies' first words are "Cheeseburger, please!"

Mallory said...

I want all that food NOW. Yum...

Anonymous said...

Minus the jerky that looks pretty awesome!